Retrosoft says that Mat Mania’s lineup will appear in RetroMania Wrestling’s story mode, and be available as player characters later in post-release DLC. RetroMania Wrestling: Wrestlefest style game featuring Road Warriors, Zack Sabre Jr, Tommy Dreamer Bullet Club 86 Gaming Discussion Prev 1 2 GardenOfAbbylon Member 361 428 325 USA 51 I just want a tentative release date. As a longtime Mat Mania fighter myself, I’ll be disappointed if I can’t take down Savege with repeated headbutts. Tommy Dreamer is Impact and Colt Cabana is with AEW currently.
As a result, RetroMania Wrestling isnt as robust a package as the excellent, sim-like Fire Pro Wrestling World, but it has enough button-mashing action to recommend for a rousing good time. Tommy Dreamer Legend 'Bad Dream' Jim JohnsVictoria Legend 'Dont Me With' Jim Johnston Gimmick Skins. The 29.99 PC game doesnt carry the WWF (now WWE) license, but it retains a similar graphics style and simple, arcade-like controls. Superstars Gimmick Skins Superstars Gimmick Skins Superstars Gimmick Skins Superstars. Both Exclusively on Steam, Google Stadia and Amazon Luna. And since theres no good wrestling game on the Switch yet, we need one. WWE Wrestlefest Revolution is a 2020 sports video game.

Perhaps more significantly, whatever deal that Retrosoft reached with ArcSys also includes the rights to the lineup of 1985’s Mat Mania - which includes Insane Warrior and Karate Fighter, Coco Savege (sic), and The Pirania (sic) as well as, one hopes, studio announcer Cory. The original Wrestlefest game is still fun to this day. RetroMania also features Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal, the NWA tag team that moved to the WWF in the early 1990s and were a boss-stage adversary in the original game. WWF Wrestlefest had a lineup of 12 real-life WWF fighters RetroMania’s roster will have Nick Aldis, Tommy Dreamer, Johnny Retro (John Hennigan), Zack Sabre, Jr., Colt Cabana, Austin Idol, the Blue Meanie, Stevie Richards, and Hollywood Nova, all of whom had runs in the ECW and WWE more than a decade ago. WWF Wrestlefest had a lineup of 12 real-life WWF fighters RetroMania ’s roster will have Nick Aldis, Tommy Dreamer, Johnny Retro (John Hennigan), Zack Sabre, Jr., Colt Cabana, Austin Idol, the.